Friday, June 13, 2014

Competition Season!

Mary has played piano for four years and this was her third year of competition.  Her piano teacher is very involved in the world of music and so this year, in addition to the Jack Hendrix competition and Music Festival, she also entered Mary into the Mary Alice Knox competition.  By April, we were tired with competition!

For her years, Mary is a good little pianist.  She picks up music quickly and can perfect her pieces with relative ease.  She blew us all away this year by winning "every time she turned around", in the words of her teacher.  She won a first playing Sonatina in G, 1st Movement by Attwood in Hendrix, first for Accidentally on Purpose (Hartsell) in Knox and rated superior in the festival.  I am so proud of her; she worked hard on these pieces and showed courage each time she was asked play again in front of a crowd.  Many adults don't have the discipline to sit down every single day and practice a difficult and daunting task to perfection, so it's a lot to ask of a ten year old.

However, I am no Tiger Mom and Mary verged on burning out this year, so I'm not sure if we will continue the competition route.  My hope is that piano doesn't become a chore and that she grows to play just for the joy of it.

Hendrix winner's recital

Knox winner's recital

In May, Mrs. Collett held her annual recital, with a jazz theme.

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