Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Into the Fall...

We ended the summer with a couple of trips; first to Balmorhea, where we booked a small cabin.

Then camping at San Angelo State Park.

We also stumbled upon a neat little swimming area in a place called Christoval; our own little piece of the Hill Country in West Texas.

Mary signed up for horse riding lessons.

Mary an I attended our first Homecoming, a concept I still don't fully understand.  Who is coming home, and from where?

St. Ann's fair was fun.

Mary also signed up for Girl Scouts.

Mary started back at school (fifth grade!) and won an excellence in academic achievement award, go Mary!

Days were spent at Moss Creek Lake.

Mary enjoyed the fair at Midland Horseshoe.

A high school student ran into the back of my car at a stoplight and the insurance company wrote off my car.  I was super glad that I had just spent $780 repairing some dents.  Turns out this was a great excuse to buy myself a new car!

Andrew played the old hide-in-a-bag-and-freak-Mary-out trick.  "Hey Mare, go get me that bag"

Halloween came and went...

Andrew and Mary spent a weekend away with Indian Princesses.

Mary had a birthday!

We finally found a house!  And decided we need to upgrade our furniture.

The previous owners kindly left us 11 (yes, eleven!) pet turtles. 
X-rated turtles.

After packing up, moving out, and having a deep clean, we decided we really liked our old house and wanted to stay.  

It's so nice, why would we leave?!

Well, we really need more garage space, and another bedroom for..... up next.... the baby!

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